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Losing weight while on zoloft - losing weight while on zoloft

01-02-2017 à 08:28:56
Losing weight while on zoloft
which my doctor said was fine because I am overweight. I took zoloft while pregnant. Exercise naturally releases serotonin and helps ease anxiety and stress which is what I am doing now. There is no exact science behind the weight gain that a person experiences while taking Zoloft (Sertraline). I am back in zoloft and while I feel tired, I am losing weight again and feel so much better. Also, my anxiety over taking the zoloft (or the zoloft itself) has seemed to negate any benefit I was getting from the klonopin. Fat storage: Another theory is that certain SSRIs make the body store more fat than usual. Although the drug tends to significantly help some individuals cope with their depression, may who take Zoloft experience weight gain. Common Questions and Answers about Losing weight while zoloft. Now, I am only taking 0. This effects my ability to eat or have an appetite, which fuels my fear about losing the weight I have managed to gain back this past month. If you notice that you all of a sudden want to eat more pastas, breads, cereals, and sugary candies, it may be more than a coincidence. There is a clear relationship between serotonergic functioning and carbohydrate cravings. Therefore, some speculate that the serotonergic changes being made in the brain by Zoloft is a plausible cause of increased carb cravings. It functions as an SSRI (selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor) to increase extracellular levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. I even lost 10lbs while pregnant. I loved it. They may become hungrier than usual, making them eat more frequently. As I am a clinical psychologist and not a psychiatrist or medical doctor, I will report what I have seen in my clinical practice. 5g of protein per pound of body weight per day over 5-6 small meals.

25 mg of klon a day. Everyday i wish i stayed on Effexor and maybe exercised more or found activities to help lower my stress. I have tapered off recently and am looking forward to losing the weight gained as well as 15 lbs I needed to lose before being prescribed Zoloft. The thyroid largely controls metabolism and the Zoloft should not affect thyroid function. However there are a variety of speculative possibilities including: increased carbohydrate cravings, metabolic adjustments, as well as standard medication side effects such as lethargy which make it tough to burn calories. As far as trying to keep the weight from going to low I would try to get in as much protein as possible. I guess only you can be the one to make that decision though. It may be hard but, try to take in 1. Also, I still have anxiety while I am sleeping cause I will wake up in panic or having anxiety night sweats. Appetite changes: Some individuals notice that when they take this medication, their appetite also changes. The drug is considered effective at treating a variety of conditions including major depression, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some people may notice a gradual increase in weight over time while taking an SSRI, while others may notice a significant increase in body fat within the first couple months of treatment. It is common to notice fluctuations in appetite while taking this drug. Those who had a poor appetite as a result of depression may now be eating more calories due to the fact that they actually enjoy eating. From the little bit I read, it sounds like the main effect of Zoloft is to decrease the appetite. My psych says he wants me calmed way down, even if that means taking an additional. I have tried hard but I think the Zoloft I am on now is causing me to not gain weight. Despite being around since the early 1990s, it is still a highly popular antidepressant medication in 2015. 25 mg klonopin at a time. I guess some report gaining weight while others report loosing weight on zoloft. It has been hell going onto these other drugs.

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